Friday, September 19, 2014


In Minecraft there are a lot  of  biomes.

Forest:Full of grass and trees.Oak and Birch trees grow here,along with mushrooms,tall grass and flowers.Has a variant with lots of flowers and less trees

Desert:Consists mainly of sand.Cactus and dead bushes can be found here,and Sandstone is usually found under a couple layers of Sand.Villages and desert temples can be found in this biome.

Plains:A flat,green biome with few trees and a lot of tall grass.This is the onlybiome where horses spawn. Villages can also be found in this biome.

Swampland:A drab biome with a lot of shallow water lily pads.Trees here have vines growing on them.mushrooms are very common in this biome.Slimes spawn above ground here and it is the only biome where witchese and witch huts spawn.

Jungle:A very overgrown biome with many trees.thick jungle trees covered with vines are common.Jungle temples are found in this biome.It is the only place where Ocelots and Cocoa Plants are found naturaly.

Ice Plains:Essentially  a plains biome covered in snow.It has a variation with large spikes made of Packed Ice.

Cold Taiga:A snowy biome abundant with Spruce trees.Wolves spawn commonly in this biome.

Extreme Hills:A biome  full of tall mountains and valleys.Flouting islands and waterfalls are common here. It is the only biome where Emerald Ore and Silverfish blocks appear naturally.

Ocean:A huge biome full of water.Smal islands can be found around this biome,but friendly mobs do not spawn on them.Entrances to caves are fairly common underneath the water.

Mushroom Island:A very rare biome that is found in ocesn biomes.Instead of grass,it has Mycelium that huge mushrooms can grow on.Mooshrooms  are the only mobs who spawn in this biome.

Deep Ocean:A deeper variation of the ocean biome.The floor of the ocean is covered with gravel.

Birch Forest:A forest made solely out of birch trees.

Roofed Forest:This biome is composed of Dark Oak Trees,a mostly closed roof of leaves,and ocassional large mushrooms.Its trees are very close to each other and it  has such a dense foliage that some of the forest will be dark enough for hostile mobs to psawn,even during the day.

Taiga:Taiga biomes no longer have snow,the old Taiga is now Cold Taiga.

Mega Taiga: This biome is composed of spruce trees,some of wich are 2x2 thick.Moss stone boulders appear frequently,brown mushrooms are very abundant and a dirt-type block called Podzol can be found  in this biome.There are also patches of dirt that don`t grow grass.Wolves may also spawn here,as they do in normal Taiga biomes.

Extreme Hills +: An Extreme Hills biome with Spruce trees.

Savnna:A relatively flat and dry biome with yellowish grass and many Acacia Trees.NPC Vilages can generate in this biome(the other beaing plains)where horses spawn naturally.Rain never falls in this biome,similar to the desert.

Mesa:Mesa is an exotic biome made of hardened clay and stained clay,with dead bushes around similar to a desert.Red Sand will also generate here insted of regular sand.

Nether:Lava is abundant here,forming large lakes  as well as many waterfalls from higherlevels.Glowstone,Nether Quartz Ore and Soul Sand can be found here.It is also home to a numer of mobs, such as ghasts,blazes,zombie pigmen,wither skeletons and magma cubes.Nether fortresses also generate here.

The End:A large floating island made entirely of  End Stone.A number of obsidian pillars topped with Ender Crystals can be found here.only Endermen and sole Ender Dragon spawn here.

This are the mostly biomes who exist in Minecraft (biomes above).

Mobs in The End

There are 3 mobs  in End...

Enderman:Its same like Overworld.

Endermite:Its same like Overworld.

Enderdragon:Its a large dragon found in The End(The Ender Dimension).There  is only one Enderdragon per world.

When u find an End Portal u should get ready with armor and tools to fight the Enderdragon.When u kill him u will get a lot of XP and Dragon Egg.

Mobs in Nether

In Overworld there were a lot of mobs some dont attack some attack.In Nether all mobs attack.In Nether  is so dark theres everywhere  fire and lava ....

Zombie Pigman: Zombie Pigman appears in the Nether or when a pig is hit by lightning(in Overworld).When he get attacked,it will summon all nearby Zombie Pigmen to attack.They drop Coocked Porkchops andGold Nuggets.

Ghast:Ghasts fly around Nether.THey shoot Fireballs wich can be deflected by shooting them with an arrow.They drop Gunpowder and Ghast Tear.

Magma Cube:Magma Cubes are fire slimes found  in Nether.They drop Magma Cream.

Blaze:Blaze light on fire and then launch three fireballs at the player.They fly too.They drop Blaze Rod.

Wither Skeleton:Wither Skeletons spawn in Nether Fortresses and drop the heads needed to summon the Wither.They drop Coal,Bones,Wither Skeleton Head.

Wither:The Wither is the seccond boss mob added to the is summoned by placing Wither Skeleton Heads and Soul Sand into the pattern bellow.The Wither will attack any creatures in range.
                                                                        S S S
Beware from them they take a lot  of damage.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Friendly Mobs (in Overworld)

In the last post there were mobs who attack in this post will be mobs who don`t attack.

Horse:Horses can be found in plains biomes and tamed by right-clicking.It will buck you off the first few times,but eventually you will tame it.At this point,crouch and right-click to apply a saddle. Horses have traits and variations,and these traits can be passed
along through breeding.Donkeys and Mules(two variations of horses)can carry chests.They drop 0-2 Leather.

Rabbit:Rabbits are passive creatures that can be tamed with carrots.There is a 0.01% chance that a hostile rabbit will spawn as the ,,Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog,,.They drop Rabbit Hide,Raw Rabbit and Rabbit`s Foot.

Villager:Villagers are found in the various houses of NPC villagers.You can trade with them by right-clicking.Emeralds are the currency they use  and the trades they offer are bassed on their profession.They drop nothing.

Pig:Pig appears on grass during the day.You can ride a pipg with a saddle.They drop 1-3 Raw Porkchops.

Sheep:Sheep can appear as five different colors:White,Black,Gray,Light Gray,Brown and Pink.They drop Raw Mutton,Wool(same color as the sheep)

Cow:Cow appears on grass during the day.They drop Leather,Milk and Raw Beef.

Chicken:Chicken appears on grass during the day or occasonaly from thrown eggs.Chickens take no fald damage.They lay eggs at random intervals.They drop Feathers,Eggs and Raw Chicken.

Squid:Squid spawn at any light level and any water depth.They drop Ink Sac.

Bat:Bats generaly spawn in caves.When they aren`t flying around.they hand upside down on blocks.They drop nothing.

Mooshroom:Cows found in Mushroom Biomes.When shaered they turn into normal cows and drop red mushrooms. Mushroom stew can be milked from them.They drop Leather,Raw Beef,Red mushrooms and Mushroom Stew.

I hope u learn something, if  u did use it in Minecraft.

Mobs who attack (in Overworld)

Minecraft has a lot of mobs.From mobs u get items who are helping u a lot.Some mobs can attack you.In this post are the mobs who attack in OVERWORLD.

Zombie:Zombies appear at night and dark caves.They burn when exposed to daylight.Zombies also drop Iron Ingots,Carrots and Potatos rarely.They drop Rotten Flesh too.

Creeper:creepers spawn at night and in poorly light areas.they do not burn up in daylight.Creeper blow up when they are near players.

Spider and Cave Spider:Spiders are hostile at night,but neautral during the day.Cave Spiders are found in abandoned mineshafts.They give poison to player.They drop Spider Eye and String

Skeleton:Skeletons have bow.They shoot arrows.They drop bone and sometimes they drop armor.They burn in daylight.

Enderman:Enderman pick up and move blocks randomly.They arepassive unless the player looks directly at them,and they become hostile.Water damages Endermen and wearing a pumpking helmet keeps them for becoming aggressive.

Witch:Witches attack players by throwing potions.They resemble villagers but with a wart on the nose that floats around.They spawn in Witch Hust and in light level less than 7.Ender Pearl

Slime:Slimes come in four different sizes.The Smallest slimes do not damage to the player.They only spawn in specific Chunks bellow level 16 in any lighting or in swamps.They drop Slimeballs

Silverfish:Silverfish occasionally drop aout of stone blocks and stone brick a player is mining and attacks them.They drop nothing

Guardian:Guardians are hostile mobs that spawn in Ocean Monuments.They attack by firing a laser at the player.Guardians also have spikes on their bodies that damage the player when they take damage.They drop Raw Fish,Prismarine,Crystals,Prismarine Shard.

Elder Guardian:The Elder Guardian spawns three times in specific areas in an Ocean monument.It has the same attacks as regular Guardians,but inflicts mining fatigue.They drop Raw   Fish,Prismarine,Crystals,Prismarine Shard and Wet Sponge.

Endermite:Endermites have a chance of spawning when an Enderman teleports or an Ender pearl in thrown.They drop nothing

Spider Jockey:Spiders have a 1% chance to spawn as a Spider Jockey.They are created as a combination of spider and skeleton,with two different health bars.They drop String,Arrows and Bones.

Chicken Jockey:Baby zombies or baby pigmen have 5% chance to spawn as a Chicken Jockey.They are created as a combination of chicken and zombie/pigmen,with two different health bars.They drop Rotten Flesh,Feahers,Eggs and Raw Chicken.

I hope u learn something from this, if u did use it in Minecraft.